
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2010

Merakit Sendiri Homebrew Antena 2.4 GHz untuk Wireless LAN

Kebutuhan akses internet semakin meningkat di kalangan : perkantoran, pendidikan, pemerintahan, bisnis dan rumah. Seiring dengan turunnya harga peralatan wireless LAN dan bandwidth internet maka penetrasi internet akan semakin luas. Menjamurnya RT RW Net dengan peralatan homebrew (bikinan sendiri) dengan harga murah turut mendorong meningkatnya pengguna internet di kalangan masyarakat karena dapat menurunkan biaya untuk pembangunan jaringan. Dalam tulisan akan dibahas dasar-dasar wireless LAN, pengenalan peralatan wireless LAN dan beberapa contoh homebrew antena beserta cara pembuatnnya. Topologi Jaringan Secara umum ada 2 macam topologi jaringan wireless LAN yaitu : Jaringan Infrastruktur dan Jaringan Ad Hoc Jaringan Infrastruktur  Terdapat 1 buah Access Point (AP) yang terhubung jaringan LAN kabel dan router untuk koneksi internet  PC pada jaringan LAN kabel (wired LAN) berkomunikasi dengan PC wireless LAN melalui Access Point, demikian pula komunikasi antar PC wirel...

10 Amazing Product Selling Ideas

1. Sell your products at a wholesale price to retail web sites. You could sell them individually or in bulk. 2. Set up joint ventures with other businesses to sell your product to new customers. They can introduce it to their customers for a set price. 3. Allow other web sites to sell your product for a set commission. They can take a percentage of the sale and send you the rest of the order to drop ship. 4. Sell your product through an affiliate program. You just pay people a set commission for each of their sales or click throughs. 5. Sell people the rights to reproduce your product. You could sell them straight out for one price or collect royalty payments from each sale they make. 6. Set up a cross promotion deal with another web business. Allow them to sell your product as a back end product to their existing customers base. 7. Sell your product in a package deal with other web businesses. You can both advertise it and split the profits. 8. Rent your products ...

10 Boundless Ways To Anchor Down More Sales

1. Multiply your marketing and advertising efforts on the Internet. You can accomplish this by starting an affiliate program or using viral marketing. 2. Increase your ratio of visitors that purchase your product(s). You could change your headline, offer a stronger guarantee, add testimonials, etc. 3. Find out who are your strongest leads for buying your product by offering a free ezine. The visitors that are very interested will subscribe to it. 4. Team up with your competition by starting an association for your specific industry. It could lead to a profitable partnership with them. 5. Publish an e-zine for your employees. This could motivate them to do a better job or fill them in on were your business is headed 6. Search for your business' name in newsgroups and discussion boards. Some of the comments you find could help you improve your business 7. Attract people to link to your web site. You could offer them a discount on the products you sell or give them free stuff fo...


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